Monday, June 8, 2015

4th and final beta

I had my blood drawn again, and in addition to a thrombophelia panel, I had my 4th and final beta drawn. It was at 1759 at 23 days past ovulation with a doubling time from last Thursday's draw of 41 hours.

I don't know that there ever truly was concern about the doubling, just that the original number of 10 at 13 days past ovulation was very low. As for right now, things are looking good. I have my first OB appointment next Friday at 6 weeks 6 days. The appointment seems so far away. I have to say that this two weeks was the hardest last time and it applies this time around too. Two week or eternity, same thing, right?

I once again am experiencing leg and foot cramps like I did last time, some of the most painful Charlie horses I could imagine. I also have developed an allergic reaction to the PIO I am on, so they are changing the suspension for the refill to get me through the next month. Hopefully the fist sized welts and lumps under the skin will dissipate. Also, I am beginning to show. I can't believe it and think that it is mostly the steroids that I am on. I have read that they not only cause weight gain, but specifically belly fat to develop, but it definitely looks like a bump! Can't sy my phone to upload pictures, so you will have to trust me and I'll post them when I can.

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