BBT Charts

I use Fertility Friend to chart my BBT (oldest charts at the bottom):

My current BBT chart which has up to date information can be accessed from the main page using the link called "My Ovulation Chart"

Stopped temping all together, sometimes do not even do OPKs

Current cycle

June/July-30th cycle
TTC Naturally

May/June-29th cycle
TTC Naturally

 April/May-28th cycle
TTC Naturally

Mar/April- 27th cycle
TTC Naturally

Feb/Mar 2012- 26th cycle
Natural cycle

Jan/Feb 2012- 25th cycle
Natural cycle

Dec 2011/Jan 2012- 24th cycle
Natural cycle

Nov/Dec 2011- 23rd cycle
IUI #3 with clomid

Oct/Nov 22nd cycle TTC
IUI #2 with clomid

September/October 2011 13th cycle charting, 21st cycle TTC
IUI #2.1 cancelled due to late ovulation

August/September 2011 12th cycle charting, 20th cycle TTC
IUI #1 with HCG trigger, no other meds 
I got lazy with temping everyday

July/August 2011-11th cycle charting, 19th cycle TTC 
Hopefully last natural unassisted cycle

June/July 2011-10th cycle charting 18th cycle TTC
I guess I now have a 16 day LP

May/June 2011-9th cycle charting 17th cycle TTC
The length of my LP tricked me into thinking this was my month, It's never been 16 days!

April/May 2011-8th cycle charting, 16th cycle TTC.
Started keeping track of other things on this one

Mar/April 2011 -7th cycle charting 15 cycle TTC
Still charting, as it does help with timing of intercourse. Also I start to pursue charting of cramps and CM this cycle.

Feb/Mar 2011-6th cycle charting 14th cycle TTC
Charting sucks! but I ovulate!

Jan/Feb 2011-5th cycle charting 13th cycle TTC
 WooHoo I ovulate, but our timing may be off on actually conceiving

Dec 2010/Jan 2011-4th cycle charting 12th cycle TTC
 With a working BBT thermometer it looks like I ovulate, YAY!

Nov/Dec 2010-3rd cycle charting 11th cycle TTC
Charting because Gyno said I had too, unsure if I timed it the same every day 
Thermometer turned out to be broken mid-way through cycle without me knowing it
Possible anovulatory cycle

Oct/Nov 2010-10th cycle TTC
I'm told to start charting on my next cycle after first visit with Gyno to discuss trouble conceiving, but no charting this cycle

 Sept/Oct 2010-9th cycle TTC
Not charting as I am now certain I do not ovulate

 Aug/Sept 2010-8th cycle TTC
I still think that charting is not helpful as I don't think I ovulate

 July/Aug 2010-7th cycle TTC
No BBT as I didn't find it helpful, blissfully thought we didn't need to do it

June/July 2010-Second cycle charting 6th cycle TTC
I gave up mid-month because the first month tracking didn't seem to show anything and this one looked a little crazy too, so I stopped charting

June 2010-first cycle charting 5th cycle TTC
Likely anovulatory cycle