Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Nothing says congratulations like...

...pyrex from one of your favorite bloggers!

I just yesterday received my first piece of mail from another blogger.

Trathy from "They all Lived" (an ALI blogger, not a pyrex blogger) sent me pyrex to celebrate our pregnancy. It came all the way from Canada, took forever, cost a fortune and was reported non-deliverable, but it made it in one piece! I have passed my love for pyrex on to someone else!

Thank you Trathy for thinking of me!!!!! (just needed to do a public thank you too!)


  1. Awh, I love Traaathy. What a perfect, thoughtful gift. :)

  2. I love how you both put a different amount of "a's" in Traathy HAHA.

    YAY PYREX! Dude you should see my hutch now ;)


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