Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Weekly Wednesday Weigh-In: Starting Week 20


Sorry about last week, I just got really busy and with not working out and not losing weight and not having time, I just didn't feel the need to post.

However, I did very good this week even though I didn't lose weight, I'm happy with my progress.

1. Reiterate my goal and where I stand in reference to this goal. (BMI info from this website)

Starting weight: 145        
Last Week's Weight: 136
Current Weight: 135 (-10 lbs total, 10 lbs to goal!!!)   
Goal Weight : 125       

Starting BMI: 26.5
Last Week's BMI: 24.1
Current BMI: 23.9 (In the normal range!!)
Goal BMI: 18.5-24.9 or exactly 22.1 for goal weight

2. Discuss what I am going to do to achieve my goals.

Progress on last week's activities:

I've gone to work out in some way or another every day since last Thursday.

Wednesday: Nothing
Thursday: Signed up at new Gym and hubby trained me
Friday: Cardio including stair/tread ergometer and eliptical
Saturday: Yoga class with the hubby
Sunday: hiking at White Sands National monument
Monday: Cardio including stair/tread ergometer and treadmill
Tuesday: Yoga class with hubby

1. Get to the gym and walk/run on the treadmill or go for a hike: yes, at White Sands (does the picture look familiar to any of you?)
2. Continue with no soda or beer: yes!
3. Yoga video on netflix: No need for video, new gym has several classes to choose from and most are harder than I am capable of doing, but I try
4. Continue with My Fit.ness Pal app: yes (although I need to control my intake a little more)
5. Limit eating out this week to one time/one meal:Close, two meals, one was Tac.o Bel.l though :(

Activities for this coming week: (the more activities I attempt, the more I am likely to achieve)

1. Get to the gym and walk/run on the treadmill or go for a hike
2. Continue with no soda or beer
3. Yoga 1-2 times per week
4. Continue with My Fit.ness Pal app
5. Limit eating out this week to one time/one meal

3. Post a (reasonably healthy) recipe that I've tried, a cooking tip, a new idea for working out for people to try, a photo update of my weight loss, or anything else I feel like sharing. 
I finally got a new gym bag last week. My old gym bag was my volley ball bag from high school. It was stolen from me by my husband. It was all black, so as far as colors go it worked perfectly for him and he has now been using it for the last few years.
Because the new gym is further from our house and if I go home after work, I have to backtrack across town to get to it. So I needed a bag to be able to take everything to the gym with me. Also, I wanted one that kept your shoes in a separate compartment, but it also had to be pink (so that the husband wouldn't steal it again). It took me a while to find one that I liked and I ended up buying it online. The shoe compartment works but not quite how I thought it would.
I had my first chance to use it yesterday. It's reasonably big but I packed it pretty full and added to it through out the day as I went to the dentist and Wa.lgreens. Carrying that thing around was a workout in and of itself.
In addition to my gym clothes, I packed a towel and showering accessories, so was able to shower at the gym before I went home. I just wanted to check out the showers in case I want to workout in the morning before I go to work. It turns out that I am an adult and can shower and be naked in front of other people at the gym (I wasn't sure if I could). Also, showering at the gym saves us on water and gas for the hot water heater (I'm not that cheap, but every penny counts). 
The bag has a good space on top to carry my yoga mat too (which is also pink by the way). 

Here's the beauty herself, any suggestions for names?


Michele @ Nowhere in NM (TTCer) MFP: shesshells
Gee @ Gee Baby (TTCer)
Mag @ Witty Infertility (TTCer)
Shannon @ Arkansas Runner (TTCer)
Donor Diva @ Motherhood via Egg Donation (TTC#2) MFP: horn5378 
The Cornfed Feminist (Pregnant) MFP: katie112007
Nico @ Phred, Fwed, and Schweffel (pregnant)
Josie @ My Cheap Version of Therapy (postpartum) MFP: _Josey_
Kristy @ Relaxing Doesn't Get You Pregnant (postpartum)
One Day @ Are We There Yet? (postpartum - twins)
Laura @ Legos and Jets (postpartum)
ks @ Inconceivable!?!?! (postpartum)
jenn @ Adventures of a Nomadic Housewife (postpartum)
Holly @ Holly G. and Co. (postpartum)
Julia @ 3 bed 2 bath 1 baby (postpartum)
Meghan @ Maybe Baby, It's You...Two! (postpartum - twins)
Just Us & A Miracle Baby too! (postpartum)
Heather @ The Road Less Traveled (postpartum)


  1. Way to get back on track! I love that bag!!

  2. Wow - awesome week of workouts!

    2 hard shell tacos from TB are one of my favorite indulgences. (only 170cal/ea) Not the worst splurge in the world. :)

    Love the new bag!

  3. Hmmm not sure of names but OMG it's totally cute!! I have to ask where you got it cause my neon green tiny gym bag is totally not working out and I need a bag with a shoe compartment as well?! Great job with the weight loss my dear, you are doing Amazing!!

  4. Love your bag... be gentle on yourself, you're doing a great job :) xo

    PS. Thinking of you and I’ve nominated you for a ‘One Lovely Blog’ Award via


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