Monday, July 11, 2011

28 years

Today's my birthday!!!! I'm now 28!

Birthday's aren't really big around our house. During our trip last weekend I got a new pair of small diamond hoop earrings for my birthday, but we probably won't go out or do anything special tonight. In fact, I'm already cooking chicken soup in the crockpot for dinner.

Even though birthday's aren't that big for us, I was still hoping for a miracle. Today is day 28 of my cycle and 16 dpo according to fertility friend. (Although I do think it marked O a day or so too early)

I didn't think I had any tests left under the bathroom sink, but I was going for the hairspray this morning and saw the pink of a pregnancy test between ovulation tests. With the 28 and 28 and the luck in finding a test I didn't know I had, it seemed as though the stars were aligning and I took it as a sign that I should go ahead and test. So I did and BFN...

No miracle baby for us, just some more bloodwork this next cycle and I need to call on cd1 for an appointment on cd 28. AF should show up tomorrow.

Side note: I couldn't have the day 21 bloodwork done on the 4th of July, no labs were open. Hope we get the results without a problem before the next appointment.


  1. Happy Birthday!!! Hopefully the next year will be full of your wishes coming true :)

  2. Happy Birthday dear! but bummer with the negative..

    Sounds like you had a good trip over the 4th of July =)

  3. You young pup you ;)

    What's going on in the Dr. Referral process? I know you had bloodwork done but any progress on the IUI kits?

    This is Tracy from Computer won't let me log in for some reason!

  4. Happy Birthday girl!!

    I'm really sorry you didn't get the gift you were hoping for. Your chart looked promising for a while there...

  5. Happy birthday! I hope you enjoy a relaxing night at home with your yummy soup!


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