Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Transfer day!

We had one "ideal" blastocyst transferred today, rating unknown. Embryo 2 did not look as good, but will be frozen tomorrow if it still is growing. Embryo 3 didn't make it, stopped growing before today.

Currently pupo (pregnant until proven otherwise).

Beta#1 scheduled for Monday. Beta #2 scheduled for Wednesday. He said that beta #1 is probably too early to detect anything (not sure why we are doing it then). Beta #2 will be the official beta.

I thought I'd include a photo here because I'm so proud and happy that we made it this far.

Send all your sticky vibes towards Las Vegas, I'm here through tomorrow, then all energy can be directed back to New Mexico.

Sent from my iPhone


  1. I have everything crossed for you!!

  2. Sending you all kinds of good thoughts! Monday could be early, but I did get a positive HPT with both of our IVF cycles by that point even though our first betas weren't until 9dp5dt. Here's hoping for some very exciting news from NM next week :)

  3. Oh man, Ditto what Bridget said - keeping everything crossed for you! You're PUPO!!!!!!

    Ps - try not to freak out on Monday if it's not a good beta at 11dpo (or 6dp5dt) - I only got a FAINT BFP on 12dpIUI, which probably would have been a nothing on an HCG test the day before. I'm surprised they're testing you that early!

    Gah, to end on an excited note, AHHHHHHHHH!!! So cool to have that pic. :)

  4. YEAH for being PUPO! :)

    My clinic always tests midway during the 2ww, but they are testing estrogen and progesterone levels, not HCG. (I peak at the bloodwork requests ;)

    Everything XXX, that is a very nice looking embryo.

  5. Congrats...I have everything crossed for you!! xo

  6. You made it this far, congrats on being pupo!! Sending good vibes to New Mexico :)


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