Saturday, May 23, 2015

It all went swimmingly!

...or as close to swimmingly as I was going to get.

We made it to Las Vegas, after driving though the night, at about 9:00 am on Thursday. We were lucky enough to be able to check into out hotel early and get a quick shower and whatnot before connecting with my parents, who had driven in the night before from Los Angeles. We went to out favorite Irish restaurant on Fremont street for breakfast and walked down Fremont for a bit enjoying the very nice weather as well as the kooks who were still out from the night before.

Then we headed back to the hotel so that my parents could watch Ethan for the afternoon while we went to our appointment for the transfer. We showed up as told at 12:00 noon and the full bladder that they requested of me. However, at 12:30 they came to tell us that all appointments were being moved back as the doctor was behind. We also saw a couple their with their toddler, when we were specifically informed to schedule childcare. 

This did not go over well with the husband who, if nothing else, is a stickler for punctuality. 

We ended up leaving the clinic and heading to another restaurant that we love called the Blue Ox, where they have completely changed the menu, but we still enjoyed some burgers. We have been ti Las Vegas so many times in recent years, I kind of feel like I've lived there. 

When we returned to the clinic at 2:00, I was immediately given a Valium and taken back shortly after. They gave me my calendar for meds going forward and best of all two pictures of the blastocyst they were about to transfer (can't get the pictures to upload). The transfer went just as it did last time, my bladder was too full and the doc called me an overachiever in my preparatory water consumption, and for the third time in my life I was catheterized to let some, but not all, of it out. The embryologist checked who we were and we signed the necessary forms, he brought the embryo in the doc did the transfer. For not the first time in my life, I had my legs spread for what felt like everyone in the building (6 people including myself and Nate were in the small room).  Then they had me lay there for 30 minutes, bladder still very full, to wait. I was finally able to go to the bathroom and go back to the hotel after that. I fell asleep in the car on the 15 minute ride back. You know, the mouth open, snoring out loud drooling kind of car sleep, so attractive.

I went to our hotel for bedrest and Nate went to my parents room to check in Ethan and hangout. We spent the rest of the night and the next day hanging about the hotel. My parents left in Friday afternoon. We went to bed with Ethan at 7:00 pm and left for home this morning at 5:00 am. We got back about 3:00 pm and have 2.5 more days off because of the holidays 

My blood test is scheduled for this coming Friday which is 8dp5dt. Ethan's hcg was 25 at that time. Please continue to keep everything crossed and I will continue to try not to worry over every little twinge.


  1. You know, my #1 wish for the 2ww was that I could magically forget I was in the 2ww. Oh wait, that was my #2 wish. Best of luck!

    This is Jay from Stork Stalking btw :)

  2. Glad the transfer went so well! Hope you get great news on Friday!

  3. Did you get any news today? Did the doc agree to that at least? keeping my fingers crossed for you. I'm glad the transfer went so smoothly!


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